I have to just tell you that this woman is amazing. First of all, she has been at deaths door more than once, and about 6 yrs ago was actually quite mad at God for not taking her home! God just raises her up again. Before she got sick, she went to 5church services. She went to Saturday morning prayer, Saturday night service, and then 3 services on Sunday. That's only 4 services, but get this, she went to youth on Wednesday evenings! She just cracks me up. She admits that she might just have to give up youth group now. And, does this woman ever pray. She sits in a cozy little chair that we have moved into the kitchen (because she wants to be where the action is) and the kids all know that if Grandmas eyes are closed and her lips are moving, she's praying. She prays for hours! It is so beautiful to watch her intercede. She goes to war for many people. She gets her hours of Bible reading in while we do school, and she is thankful for the little bit of quiet time. But, she loves the hustle and bustle of our family. And, when it gets too loud, she just turns off her hearing aid. That is such a blessing, because it's not easy keeping 5 quiet. Nor, would I want to. Kids are made to be loud. But, if they get too loud I just send them upstairs. I am so glad that she loves my kids. Jordan watches everything she does. And Charlee crawls on her lap for Grandma to read her a book. Charlee loves to put lotion on her hands and just enjoys talking to her. Grandma is amazed at her vocabulary. I tell her it's because she never stops talking so she has to come up with new words so she doesn't bore herself!
This last week the kids and I were trying to memorize Romans 12:1-2. We practiced it in school that morning, and at dinner we were trying to practice it again. Well, none of us could get it. So I said Gram, " Do you know what Romans 12:1-2 is?" Well she just spout it out, and then she told us her life verse and quoted several more. Our mouths I am sure were hanging open, because she is like a walking Bible. I am not kidding. There has been a few times where I have asked her if she remembered the exact wording of this or that verse, and yep, she does. Tyler said that if she can do it then we have no excuse. And, he is right. We have definitley amped up our scripture memorization.
We have been taking Grandma to her church, because her heart was so grieved to not be able to go when she was up north. She chose to come to our house because we had a downstairs bedroom, and were the closest to her church. And, here I thought it was because of my great culinary skills and magnificent company! But truly, Grandma has been a blessing to our family, and Shane and I were humbled and honored that Grandma would choose to come here. And, I meant what I said when I said that I hope she never goes home. She is just to precious.
Wow Shannon! When you would talk about Gramma Ruby she sounded like a spring chicken! I had no idea she was 96!! She is beautiful and the memories your babies will have. 20 years from now they will be talking of the time Gramma came to visit! What a blessing......enjoy this special moment!
love you
What an incredible blessing to your family she is! Thank you for sharing :) Reminds me of what Oliver (my brother Andy's son) told my mom, she is visiting them right now for four weeks since they just had their new baby Solomon. He asked her how long she is staying and she said, "Four weeks" then he said, "I want you to stay for four years!" But she told him she needed to go home and find a new job. He says, "I know a job you can do, you can stay here and help my mom with us kids!" Is that just cute or what? I bet that is how your kids feel about Grandma Ruby too:) Love you Shannon! by the way, my mom has those Dave Ramsey books for you at her house, she will be back mid Feb :)
Shannon you are truely blessed. The things your kids will learn, will last a lifetime. Tiff
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