A few weeks ago, I took the kids to the circus with two of my sisters. I wish that I took more pictures, but the truth is that I was just so darned amazed, that I didn't even think to grab my camera. But, Korie's boyfriend, Larry, had my back on this one. The cute little boys are my nephew, Roberto, and my son, Zack. Now, some of you might be falling off your chairs laughing at me. I don't care. I am a big sissy, a big chicken, I freely admit it. If God himself commands something to crawl on it's belly, you know it's got to be bad. But, let me just tell you that I at least am in the picture. Where is my sister, Jennifer? She was right next to me. Where did she go? Oh ya. She RAN. I didn't even know she ran until I seen the picture and didn't see her! So, who's the chicken? And, this HUGE snake was gross. I mean really, really, gross. Slimy, scaly, thick, and just typing that gave me the shivers. So, I guess I wasn't a chicken. I was brave.
Ok, so I have mastered one fear. The next one I am going to tackle is heights. Shane took me to Seattle for my birthday the other night, and we had dinner at the Space Needle. I have really got to get over this fear. I got dizzy in the elevator. Do you know that Spin City, as the restuarant is called, is 520 feet up? And, that the elevator travels at a flying 10 mph? I got dizzy with the whole rotating restuarnt thing. It ONLY goes around once every 47 minutes, so why was I having such a hard time? Oh ya, we were 520 feet off the ground!! Thankfully, I didn't embarrass myself and lose my lovely Seafood Trio.
Now, I just have one more thing to say, or ask, rather. Is this my cat, or a dog?
Ok- I lied. I have something else to say. This is what I look like when I am arguing politics. I might just run in the 2012 election. Would you vote for me? And, please don't pay attention to my red eye. I didn't have time to edit:) I will once I am on the ballot. Because then, you know every picture will be on the web, and someone will hack into my email account.
Ryan took this picture. He is addicted to the camera. If I do not know where my camera is, Ryan does. In his back back, in his room, in some special hiding spot so his brothers and sisters can"t take the camera from him. It's his, all his.
PS- Can you guess what my favorite color is? Free comment to whoever gets it right!
Shannon Smith- you are so beautiful!! I bet you Shane was blessed with you by his side, even if your face was green!! I didn't like the Space Needle for the same reason.....spinning....ridicules!!!
Happy Birthday,
Love you Kelley
I think your favorite color is blue! You are lovely.
I did notice how the color of blue brings out the red in your eyes. :)
EASY on the baby sis!! I had bare shoulders, you had a shirt between you and the slimy, scaley, thick, GROSS snake!! EEW I love you Shan and I want to see you all soon!
Your baby sis,
Emphasis on baby, right, Jen?! I love you too!
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